is our official store. Reject imitations.

Reject imitations. Our official online store is Be wary of other sites that offer our products. They are fraudulent and try to scam customers. Don't be fooled.

We would like to warn our customers about this attempted Internet fraud by impersonating our online store.

We have detected the existence of several fraudulent pages with the .shop extension that use our name and falsely sell our products at prices much lower than the real ones, in which no contact information appears, except for ours that appear in the product descriptions. The content of these websites does not correspond to reality, which is why we recommend not accessing any links or entering personal or banking information, as they could be used by scammers for illegal purposes.

For all these reasons, we have filed a complaint with the National Police and reported the facts to INICIBE (National Cybersecurity Institute), so that they can proceed with its closure, to avoid harm to third parties.

In this regard, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the advice that INICIBE gives to users regarding online shopping. We hope that you find it useful.

We should not buy from an online store if :

  • It does not provide company information such as address, CIF/NIF, etc. If you have to complain to someone, you should know who to contact.
  • They offer products or services at extremely low prices , far from the real prices that are handled in the market or all items are sold at the same price .
  • A product appears with a very inflated initial price to which a very high discount is subsequently applied.
  • It does not have a digital certificate as it does not guarantee any type of security when entering personal data or credit card.
  • “Legal texts” (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, etc.) are either not provided or are poorly written.
  • It offers several payment methods and really only accepts credit cards . There are stores that offer several payment methods on the home page, but when it comes time to pay, they only allow credit cards.
  • There are no comments on any forums or references anywhere else on the Internet . Although it is not decisive, it is advisable to check the Internet and ask for the store in order to take it into account in case of possible complaints or negative comments.

The memiman team.